Desayuno de trabajo de la organización Knowledge4Innovation and for a Sustainable Future

La agenda de Lina Gálvez

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Desayuno de trabajo de la organización Knowledge4Innovation and for a Sustainable Future, lanzamiento de la plataforma K4I 2.0 sobre innovación en temas de energías renovables, movilidad, biodiversidad etc.


 Welcome by Maria da Graça Carvalho, K4I Forum Chair
 Presentation K4I 2.0, Roland Strauss, Managing Director, K4I
 A4F Focus Areas

▪ Climate Action and Biodiversity
▪ Renewable Energy and Mobility
▪ Circular Economy and Natural Resources
▪ Deep- and Digital Technologies

 A4F Areas of Activity

▪ Policies driving the green and digital transitions: European Green Deal,
Sustainable Development Goals
▪ Solutions for Sustainability: innovation and new technologies
▪ Financing the transition: Impact/green investment
 Contributions from Members of the European Parliament
 Next steps

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