Webinar sobre el European Green Deal y la Garantía Juvenil Europea.

La agenda de Lina Gálvez

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The European Green Deal and the reinforced European Youth Guarantee: Will they help tackle Youth Unemployment?
Opportunities and Challenges, with a focus on Greece and Spain/ Combatir el desempleo juvenil: el Pacto Verde Europeo y la Garantía Juvenil Europea: oportunidades y desafíos

Keynote speakers

  • Max Uebe, European Commission, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion B1 Employment Strategy

  • Prof. Dr. Lina Gálvez Muñoz, MEP, Vice Chair of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

  • Dr. Spiros Protopsaltis, Governor of OAED Manpower Employment Organization Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Vice Chair of European Network of Public Employment Services, Greece.

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