Actividad parlamentaria
Actualidad parlamentaria
Desarrollo del Pacto con la Ciencia y la Innovación y Ley de la Ciencia
Desarrollo del Pacto con la Ciencia y la Innovación y Ley de la Ciencia Intervención en la Subcomisión relativa al desarrollo del Pacto con la Ciencia y la Innovación y el estudio [...]
Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age
Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age Between 23 and 27 August 2021, we held the first Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age in Lisbon. 27 participants, [...]
Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age – Day 2
Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age - Day 2 On 23rd August 2021, the inaugural edition of the Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age began in [...]