Actividad parlamentaria
Actualidad parlamentaria
Innovation ecosystems and women investment
Innovation ecosystems and women investment Innovation ecosystems are the hub to connect startups, investors and support services for innovation and entrepreneurship. Currently, innovation ecosystems are working in silos, not connecting between them [...]
Why Europe needs and innovation area?
Why Europe needs and innovation area? MEP Lina Galvez and Commissioner Mariya Gabriel are discussing the women investment and role inside innovation ecosystems. Mariya Gabriel supports all the efforts and the change. [...]
Bruselas insta a seis países de la UE a sumarse al Convenio de Estambul
Lina Gálvez emplaza a la UE a asumir realmente la nueva Estrategia de Igualdad y aboga por unos presupuestos sensibles al género y la transversalidad. La comisaria de Igualdad, Helena Dalli, instó este [...]