La agenda de Lina Gálvez

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Panel 1 – The urgency of integrating social dimensions into the European Green Deal
We discuss the value of, and urgent need for,integrating human and social dimensions intoenergy policymaking. Building on key lessons from Energy-SHIFTS, fundamental questions is this panel include: why does Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) evidence matter for energy policymaking? What are the consequences when social insights are not adequately considered? How do the latest SSH innovations align (or not) with the policy priorities of the European Green Deal?

Chair: Manon Dufour, Head of Brussels Office, E3G Key lessons from Energy-SHIFTS

• Rosie Robison and Chris Foulds, co-leads of the Energy-SHIFTS project, Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University (10 min) Stakeholder perspectives
• Vincent Berrutto, Head of Unit ‘Innovation, clean technologies and competitiveness’, DG Energy
• Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Member of European Parliament, S&D, Spain, Vice-Chair ITRE Committee
• Walburga Hemetsberger, Chief Executive Officer, SolarPowerEurope

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